Scoliosis is a spinal impairment characterized by a deviation of the spine that accepts the shape of the letters S or C. The form of the letter C can be either right or left, and the shape of the letter S can also be expressed in the form of “mirror writing.”
In patients with scoliosis, there are differences in height between the right shoulder and the left shoulder, at an uneven distance from the shoulder blades and in the pelvic bone imbalance, but these are general characteristics only.
Contrary to popular belief, scoliosis is not caused by slumping posture, improper sitting or sleeping on an inappropriate mattress. Although scoliosis also has hereditary characteristics, the cause of the disorder is unknown to the end, and both doctors and scientists disagree on the causes of the disorder. It is commonly thought that in many cases, scoliosis is an idiopathic stable disorder (ie, manifesting itself for unknown reasons).
The incidence of scoliosis with a tendency to more than 10 degrees is between two and three percent of the population, and so is the prevalence of scoliosis in which the tendency is up to 20 degrees. One in 2,500 people has scoliosis with a tendency greater than 20 degrees. For the most part, the number of women with sicliosis is higher than that of men and the right side of the spinal cord is more common than the left.
Causes of scoliosis
For the most part, the reasons for the development of scoliosis are related to asymmetry on either side of the spine:

Asymmetry that develops in the pelvis.
Asymmetry develops in the muscles on both sides of the spine.
A change in the structure of a vertebra or a structure of vertebrae
The development of asymmetric internal structures (eg, removal of an organ from the body as a result of surgery may also be expressed in scoliosis).
The development of asymmetry in the senses, that is, an imbalance in the hearing between the right ear and the left, an imbalance in vision, and more.
And as mentioned above – just like that. Scoliosis can develop for some unknown reason.
A few more facts about scoliosis:
Saskoliosis is usually discovered during adolescence, especially during the period of “growth spurt”.
Girls who suffer from the disorder are more likely to develop acute scoliosis than boys.
The longer the scoliosis is detected, the more likely it is to develop a more serious disorder.
Scoliosis in the central and lower part of the spinal cord worsens, usually, less than a curve at the top of the spinal cord.
Infants with scoliosis (ie infants born with the disorder) are more likely to develop a more severe scoliosis later in life.
How can I help those who suffer from scoliosis?
Through special physiotherapy therapy by trained professionals – and under orthopedic supervision. Each of us is different and there is no one who is equal to the other. Treatment must be specific and focused.
Can Pilates help?
Yes. Pilates will usually perform symmetrical exercises to strengthen the back muscles and strengthen the abdominal muscles. These were accompanied by breathing exercises for the flexibility of the ribs, the stretching of the shortened muscles, and the exercises for the contraction of the elongated muscles.
How can I help patients who suffer from coliccosis in a medical setting?
By contacting your doctor or family doctor, or your doctor or orthopedic doctor. Your doctor or doctor will refer you for further examination – or directly for physiotherapy.
What will they do to me in the physiotherapy service?
They will analyze the findings of the referring doctor or doctor (especially if you have an X-ray) and perform a physical diagnosis to identify the causes and causes of scoliosis. After diagnosis, an individual or group therapy program is appropriate for you.
So a month or two and it’s behind?
No. Definitely not. Treatment of spinal disorders is long-term and is based on the analysis of functional positions in daily life, behavioral change and regular practice according to the guidelines of the physiotherapist or physiotherapist. It may seem like a “portfolio,” but it’s worth taking care of problems even if it’s a long process. Spinal defects, if untreated, may worsen over time. That’s why your responsibility for your health is part of the business.

The D.B.S. (Dynamic Brace System) is a patented system used for the treatment of idiopathic juvenile, adolescent, and adult scoliosis.
The D.B.S unit serves as an attachment to the Vertetrac and adjusts the traction in combination with a horizontal pressure force locating it on the apex of the curve.
Indications for use:
The spinal curvature is between 10-30 degrees and has structured changes including rotation. The curve progression should be considered only with a minimum increase of 5 degrees on two sequential X-rays.
We recommend using the D.B.S. Treatment with a physician’s guidance and under observation of a specialist.